Motion Logo Motion API Documentation
API Keys

Get Task

Get a task

GET v1 / tasks / {id}


Authorization string required

Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token> where <token> is your auth token.

Path Parameters

id string

The id of the task to fetch


200 - application/json - object

id string required

name string required

description string required

The HTML contents of the description

duration string | number

An integer greater than 0, "NONE", or "REMINDER"

dueDate datetime

When is the task due

deadlineType string required

Values are HARD, SOFT (default) or NONE

parentRecurringTaskId string required

If this is an instance of a recurring task, this field will be the parent recurring task id

completed boolean required

Whether the task is completed or not

creator object required

project object

workspace object required

status object required

The status of the task

priority string required

Valid options are ASAP, HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW

labels array<object> required

An array of labels

assignees array<object> required

An array of assignees

scheduledStart datetime

The time that motion has scheduled this task to start

createdTime datetime required

The time that the task was created

scheduledEnd datetime

The time that motion has scheduled this task to end

schedulingIssue boolean required

Returns true if Motion was unable to schedule this task. Check Motion directly to address

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